
21 06, 2012

Middle Schoolers Visit SSC

By |2022-03-13T02:26:42+00:00June 21st, 2012|About Us, Blog, News|

Futuristically, SSC had an invaluable opportunity,  privilege, and honor to present aviation to a great group of young people from the Berea Middle School, Greenville, South Carolina. Lynn Edwards, Guidance Counselor and Denentrice Donald, Career Development Facilitator, were pleased and [...]

25 04, 2012

Quote Please

By |2022-03-13T02:19:59+00:00April 25th, 2012|Aircraft Charter, Blog, News, Print Newsletter|

2012 is now in full swing with a little different outlook than previous springs. We are aggressively pursuing opportunities to provide flights to clients that are outside of our historical service region. The market for flight services have evolved over [...]

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